- Overall Impression
- Details
- Common Areas
- Accomodate
- Dining
- Features
- Fitness Center And Spa
- Other
- Review
We knew the neighboring villas were occupied because we heard our neighbors talking a couple of times while we were poolside in our villa or walking in Round Hill. We only saw them at meal times in the common areas like the restaurant, on the path to the reception, or at the spa. Staying at a rental villa afforded us the option to stay in or explore; be sociable or retreat to the quiet and privacy of our space. It was at meal times, except breakfast which the house staff prepared, and to work out that we abandoned our cozy nook in search of nourishment.
Connectivity High speed Internet access was possible at the Round Hill Business Center , a small air conditioned room with three GAPS computers, three Hyundai ImageQuest flat screen monitors and printers close to the lobby area. Access was available via a prepaid card available in one hour minimum increments for $13.50 per hour. Alternatively, guests who brought their own laptop computers could connect at the Business Center and purchase 24-hour passes ($25 each) that could be used at the guest’s discretion.
General Manager Josef F. Forstmayr
Handicapped Access Due to the hilly terrain and old design of the property it was not easy to get around on foot.
Length Of Stay Two nights
Location Eight miles west of Montego Bay on the north coast of Jamaica
Owned-Managed Round Hill was owned and managed by t wenty-seven shareholders (individual villa owners) headed by a board of directors, chairman and vice-chairman operated by Round Hill Developments Limited. Villa 18, where we stayed, was owned by Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gatewood of Houston .
Pets Allowed No
Size 110 acres, 36 rooms in the hotel and 27 individually owned villas with 74 suites and staff between 150 and 200 depending on the season
Year Opened-Renovated Our villa was built in 1953 and renovated in 2003
Villa-Room Villa 18 where we stayed during our brief visit had five rooms in 5,000 square feet of space. Round Hill offered the villa, built in 1953, for rental in its entirety. It was also available by the suite with a maximum of two simultaneous suite rentals. Our suite (#80) in the villa, originally designed as the master bedroom, was spacious, comfortable, and quiet with a pretty view of the bay. It connected directly with an adjoining suite of which we just caught a glimpse before the doors were locked. The centerpiece of the high ceiling suite was a king size four poster bed with a night table on either side and a CD player on one of the night tables. The bed, floors and other furniture were made of Jamaican mahogany; there was also cedar. The bedroom colors were mahogany and white. There was a full size closet built into a wall and in front of it a wood dresser. On the opposite wall there was a wood desk and chair.
Facilities Business center, spa and beauty salon, fitness center, five all-weather tennis courts and a pro shop, Padi dive and water sports center, walking/jogging path, restaurant, hotel, reception, beach, West Indian art gallery, sundry shop, and logo clothing shop. There were also beach, pool and cocktail bars; a club for children, a small library, and a lounge with a 61” Sony television and card tables.
Pool Our villa had a pool and Jacuzzi, five lounge chairs and two umbrellas, a wood swing with white cushions, three wood and metal chairs with matching white cushions and a table. In addition, there were two swimming pools at Round Hill, a small one at the spa and a beachside pool scheduled for remodeling.
Since hair braiding was one of the more popular selections at the spa I set out to try it. As soon as I had time, I called for an appointment. Ann Marie, who had a radiant smile, braided “half my, head” in a left hand cornrow style. She worked quickly and ably. I received many compliments on my new hairdo, which lasted about a week, in Jamaica and at home.
Round Hill, a member of marketing consortium Elegant Resorts International, offered guests courtesy shuttles for golf (twice daily) and shopping excursions (daily). Villa owners were required to make their villas available for rent through the association rental pool for a minimum of six months out of the year.
Cleanliness Excellent
Date Of Review June 2005
ReviewersArticle by Elena del Valle
Photographs by Elena del Valle
Would You Stay There Again? Yes
Contact Information
- P.O. Box 64
- Montego Bay
- Jamaica, West Indies
- Reservations & Information: +1 800 972 2159
- +1 876 956 7050
- +1 876 956 7505